C4 Energy Advertisements

360 Branding & Ad Campaign

These advertisements were created for C4 Energy and were targeted towards college students and everyday workers.. I created various types of ads that maintained a consistent idea of using or drinking the energy drink to get through a work or school day. To carry across this idea I drew vector style images that were bold and striking to give a hyper-style action to the images. The images were drawn in black and white to give the pen on white paper look associated with work while being forms of exciting action like boxing or fighting a monster. This helped carry across the high-performance appeal of the drink and really stands out when being paired with the bold yellow of C4’s colors. When developing these advertisements further I made them more involved in the real world with a very bold billboard and two guerilla ads that were more interactive. The sword in stone and punching bag interaction not only provide a fun design and unique interaction but allow for people who do interact with the ads, and then be rewarded with an actual C4 energy drink.